In celebration of the 15th anniversary of the Temple of Shadows album, renowned former Angra vocalist Edu Falaschi, along with the Bachiana Philharmonic Orchestra ruled by acclaimed conductor João Carlos Martins, proudly announces for 2019 the most historic and emblematic tour for the fans of Edu Falaschi and João Carlos Martins. To celebrate this union between Heavy Metal and Erudite, the Sao Paulo show, which will take place on May 4, 2019, at Tom Brasil, will be recorded in a video for worldwide release on DVD. Check out the service of the DVD recording show in SP below.
Buy your ticket on the Ingresso Rápido website:
The Temple of Shadows In Concert, which will glorify the union between the Heavy Metal and the erudite in an epic and masterful way, will fully tell one of the most important albums of Angra’s discography with Edu Falaschi and Aquiles Priester. In addition to the songs of “Temple of Shadows”, there will also be some iconic compositions from Edu’s career with Angra, works by important composers of erudite music, among other surprises in a format never seen in Brazil.
More tour dates will be announced shortly. The current line-up formed by Edu Falaschi for his solo career is composed by Aquiles Priester (drums), Fabio Laguna (keyboards), Roberto Barros (guitar), Diogo Mafra (guitar) and Raphael Dafras (bass).
“It’s a great dream come true for all of us musicians and fans of Temple Of Shadows to make a DVD with one of the world’s greatest orchestras by the unparalleled conductor João Carlos Martins, we will have an impeccable production, playing the album in full and with several guests special! I never imagined that my solo career would take that proportion, I only have to thank all those who have always been there for me! 2019 will be epic and unforgettable! “Said vocalist Edu Falaschi.
Edu Falaschi and João Carlos Martins in SP
When: May 4 – Saturday at 10:00 p.m.
Location: Tom Brasil
Address: Rua Bragança Paulista, 1281
High Chair V. Principal: R $ 100.00 (whole) / R $ 50.00 (half-entry)
Cabin: R $ 200,00 (whole) / R $ 100,00 (half-entrance)
Frisas: R $ 150,00 (whole) / R $ 75,00 (half-entry)
PISTA 1º LOTE: R $ 80,00 (whole) / R $ 40,00 (half-entrance)
TRACK 2ND LOT: R $ 90,00 (whole) / R $ 45,00 (half-entry)
TRACK 3rd PLACE: R $ 100.00 (whole) / R $ 50,00 (half-entry)
TRACK 4 ° LOT: R $ 110,00 (whole) / R $ 55,00 (half-entry)
VIP TRACK 1st LOT: R $ 170,00 (whole) / R $ 85,00 (half-entry)
VIP TRACK 2ND LOT: R $ 180,00 (whole) / R $ 90,00 (half-entry)
VIP TRACK 3TH LOT: R $ 190,00 (whole) / R $ 95,00 (half-entry)
VIP TRACK 4TH LOT: R $ 200,00 (whole) / R $ 100,00 (half entrance)
JUAN CORRAL: (11) 98223-7639
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